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Adobe CS5 Master Collection with keygen and activator [AndyRixon
Applications > Windows
6.45 GB

adobe cs5 keygen activator windows
+6 / -0 (+6)

Apr 9, 2011


Please Note: This torrent was previously added, and due to a huge ammount of leechers I removed it.

This is Adobe CS5 Master Collection, it contains all of the adobe products.

I downloaded the retail version of this as a trial and searched the internet for a Keygen and an Activator, since this wasn\\\\\\\'t originally an ISO file I bundled it all together and made it to autoload when its burnt or mounted.

Ensure you read the readme file included.

Please seed if you like this, even better if you like this please seed and support the programmers and purchase the full licensed software.


will i have to get trial version to use
No, as I have included a Keygen and Activate to unlock of versions :D
The keygen says this is not a valid Win32 program. Is there a valid keygen for 32bit!
Can I use this software while connected to internet?

Keygen won't run. Explorer shows it's 0Kb
@jacsonss: Yes it is a valid 32 bit application as I used it to install on my computer (Wins XP MCE 05 32bit).

@biggyPirate: Yes you can.

@ramrod28677: Hmm, works fine for me, try downloading again, if you still find issues with the keygen, search around here.
Please seed this torrent, its gone down from 170 seeders to under 130, come on people, be greatful.
Hey thanks 4 uploading
Btw, I have some questions.
When using the activator, must I edit some host files or something (like GR420's)????
@TreskTheKing Odd, works fine for me :s

@zHasTEz No, the activator does it all for you.
Already had a working keygen, but the activator that comes with this torrent worked great.
Dont worry Ill seed the fuck out of this, if it works. Im also planning to put up several torrents concerning how to for the various products. Its a little thank you for all the great seeders out there. Thanks andy
@liberationofsharing Thank you and your welcome :D
Andy I had the same issue with the key gen. I ran it on my desktop and it failed. I then ran it on my older dell laptop running windows xp and it said the same thing. Other than downloading the torrent again, what other solution is there. I am in the process of doing that now.
Downloaded the file again and it has same issue. Thanks for the attempt but it doesn't seem to work, at least for me.
if anyone gets "Adobe...has stopped responding"

goto preferences - performance and turn off openGL acceleration
when I try to use de universal keygen it says that it isn't a valid win32 application
Hmm... seems to be a very nice collection, not complete, but this thing MUST be working. I have a (very) slow internet and there's a bandwidth meter in my hands, so DON'T DISAPPOINT ME!

BTW, does this works in x86 (32bit) ?
If you are having trouble with the keygen I have provided, try this one.
I am going to start seeding again untill Monday 28th November 2011.
Can these be used on mac osx 10.6.3?